Iron removal filter VG25
Iron and manganese removal with MTM filling.
Fully automatic iron removal device in five basic sizes for treatment of utility or drinking water with Fleck SE valve with timing control, which allows a change of washing and rinse setting. To ensure long service life and reliability, it is necessary to rinse the fillings every four days.
MTM is characterized by a lower density, which allows easier regeneration, as it has a higher ability to pick up iron and manganese.
- The delivery includes a complete functional unit ready for installation.
- The size of the brite tank will be strictly calculated.
- The filters are not filled with MTM. It is delivered as a component, stored in bags.
- For safety reasons, it is recommended to provide the treated water outlet with a filter preventing leaking of the filter mass.
The size and the exact type of an iron removal filter will be designed according to the individual chemical analysis of the incoming water and the required performance paramters.
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